G&M Services Unlimited, Inc. (where the ‘G’ = God’s Grace, & the ‘M’ = God’s Mercy) is a conglomerate of companies, each with a separate, but integrated approach to helping individuals & businesses globally. On one side of the isle, we help fund businesses, primarily through the collateralizing of real estate assets & business revenue. On the other side of the isle is Affinity Services Unlimited, where we operate two retail entities:
G&M Mortgages Unlimited is the flagship entity of the conglomerate G&M Services Unlimited, Inc., which was founded in 2002, with what began as our Managing Partner’s desire to assist a local church, utilizing his background in finance. It has since grown to more than a decade of originating commercial loans, including all areas of commercial lending. We have increased the size of our team to ensure that all of our clients (both current and future) receive the professional consulting and brokerage services you expect from G&M Mortgages Unlimited, where the ‘G’ stands for God’s grace, and the ‘M’ for His mercy!
Affinity Global Initiatives provide customized water purification solutions worldwide. We also provide a device-integration system that enables medium & large size companies to enjoy savings up to 50%...& at no charge to the client. We simply analyze your current utility usage, & arrange for the utility saving modifications.
Affinity Apparel Unlimited is our Christian apparel company, with a primary focus on ‘witnessing through what we wear’ for Salvation through Christ Jesus.
At the core of all of our businesses is an overall focus to achieve & maintain CUSTOMER-CENTERED & CUSTOMER-DRIVEN service, & that through professionalism, integrity, & reliability…it’s the only way our President & Managing Partner Willie Baker would have it!
Henri kamenga